Goodbye Sweet Alma

We are so sad to share the news that our sweet, loyal, best-dog-ever employee Alma, has gone to the great dog biscuit in the sky. She lived a fun-filled 15 years. She was a wonderful companion, gentle babysitter, and hard worker. She put in long hours at Fair Shares but never complained, and we know she will be missed by our members as much as she is by us. Here’s a photo tribute we’d like to share showing Alma doing all the things she loved.

Alma loved treats (and making you chase her when you pretended you were going to take it from her)…

and naps…

and chicken…

and being a lap dog (not so much)…

Did we mention she liked naps?

and peanut butter…

and art…

and posing…

and naps in the sun…

and playing in the snow…

and waiting to go home (not so much)…

and car rides…

and playing by the fireplace…

and looking cute in a scarf…

and floating on the lake…

and napping…

and everyone was sad to say goodbye…