Happy Milk from Ozark Mountain Creamery

Don’t make a trip to the grocery store; pick up your milk when you get your food from Fair Shares!

You can set up a standing weekly or bi-weekly order so that we will be sure to have your milk for you (you may cancel at anytime). Feel free to place a one-time order to see how you like it.

Low-temp pasteurized, glass-bottled milk. Six varieties available: Whole, 2%, Skim, Whole Creamline (unhomogenized), Chocolate, and Cream. Cost is $7.05/half gallon ($7.55 for chocolate and $16.20 for cream). You’ll get a $2.25 credit when you return your cleaned Ozark Mountain Creamery bottle.

When you return your bottle (only return bottles from Ozark Mountain Creamery or we have to pay the deposit because they won’t take them back!), please hand it to the person who checks you in for your share to make sure they note your receipt.

Here is the dairy’s site with more info: http://www.ozarkmtncreamery.com/products.html

Please place your orders with jamie@fairshares.org by noon Sunday to get in on the following week’s order.

New season means you must reinstate your standing order! Be sure to include the variety, quantity, and your pickup group. If you have signed up and don’t want your milk for the following week, you must email by Sunday noon to cancel your order.