Member Teaser Photo

Member Jon Gayman posted a stunning photo to our Facebook group that we knew everyone would enjoy. Being a professional food photographer really helps, doesn’t it? (Having beautiful stonewear and table for background certainly makes for a nicer presentation than you get from me, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you.)

Jon posted:

Dinner last night: Roasted Ozark Forest Mushrooms with Goat Cheese Braggadocio Grits from last week’s share. So good.

BTW, this is the recipe I used as guide for this dish. I didn’t follow it exactly, but I started here:…/the…/…



Thanks Jon! You can see more of Jon’s pretty pictures here on his website:

If you would like to share your own food photos on our Facebook page (and potentially see them shared here in the weekly newsletter), just post them with a description of what you made–or share the recipe–here on our Facebook group. These must be your own photos, please–we don’t want any copyright infringement here.