Fair Shares Trial Memberships
Not ready to commit to Fair Shares? Try some shares first! We offer two-week trials of our Full and Mini shares, or you can mix and match to see how much food is right for you.
Normally, we would just have you come in and we could explain everything in person, but for the time being, we’re doing curbside pickup only, and the Trial Share regimen is completely online—let us know if you have any questions after reading the info below.
Pickups are Wednesdays or Thursdays at our main pickup site (aka the Mothership), 5021 Northrup, on The Hill) from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m. or Wednesday in UCity from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m or Thursday in Kirkwood from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
Our system gives members the option to trade out any non-produce items in their share for other items in our online store. We post the share lists in the newsletter on Tuesdays, and then allow members to login to their account, where only the tradable items are listed in their online cart for swapping out, selecting replacements and adding extras from the online store.