Welcome to Fair Shares Season 14 Wk2

We'll see all Full Share, Mini Share, and EVEN-week Half-Share members this week. Half share members, note that you will receive the newsletter weekly, and you may request access to order through the store on your off weeks. Check your subscriptions in your Farmigo account if you are unsure whether you are an ODD- or EVEN-week half share.

Your assigned pickup day is [Delivery Day], but if you need to switch the day, reply to this email before 10a.m. Wednesday. Selecting the different day in the store is not the way to do it!

LOGIN HERE to select your time and ADD it in your cart. Make sure that the time you want is in your order confirmation email. You may update your cart as many times as you like.
Your share will be packed for you whether you select a time or not, it just helps us have it ready when you arrive.

This email is how we communicate with members. Please at least scan it so you know any important information. For instance: NEW THIS SEASON - All members must complete trades and orders by 10:30a.m. Wednesday.

Lion's Mane Mushrooms

We've heard from a number of members that they don't know how to use these mushrooms, so here is a suggestion that I've tried and enjoyed, and also a link to aubreyskitchen.com, where you'll find a recipe for Vegan (or Vegetarian) Crab Cakes that looks and sounds like a special treat, in case you don't have a plan for the upcoming holiday... Read more

Spring Sprang Sprung

We'll be seeing more produce in the shares as the weeks go by, but availability is still slim, so hurry to the store to order up what we have!
It's Schlafly Beer Thirty

It's Schlafly Beer Thirty

You can purchase beer from Schlafly's website (linked below) and pick it up at the Mothership or UCity when you come for your share.

Purchase from Schlafly's online system by 10 a.m. Wednesday, and then let us know by adding the Schlafly Beer item in your cart.


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Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola
Member Beth Sorrell's Weekly Recipe

Homemade granola is not only easy, it’s so much better than store bought. The best part is that you can customize it to your taste. I used several Fair Shares ingredients to make this.

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All members must complete trades and orders by 10:30a.m. Wednesday.

Clover Flex for Sale - $150

We purchased a Clover Flex handheld mobile card-swipe machine for a potential project that never panned out. We used it once and it's been sitting in a drawer ever since. We only realized it's been costing us nearly $500 a year to keep it, so let us know if you need one!

Tip: CSA Eating

Tip: CSA Eating
Hey new members! There is a learning curve to eating locally and seasonally, so give yourself and your family the time to figure it out. It's worth learning because it can save you time and money, make you a more creative cook, and teach you to appreciate your food more …Read more

Cooler Aid

Come warmer weather and more produce, we will be in dire need of additional refrigeration, and probably a refrigerated van or truck.

We have researched various options on endless sites at multiple times over the past few months, and just don't have the experience to know what our best solution would be.

We thought our members might be the most invested people to ask about helping us reach the best outcome. We've heard from a few of you and we thank you for your input.

If you or someone you know has experience sourcing, researching and understanding the pros and cons of various refrigeration and refrigerated vehicle options, we'd love to have a chat. mailto:info@fairshares.org

Bee Simple Soaps and Lip Balms!

IMG_0934 2
Our Bee Simple shoots growers also makes some lovely soaps and lip balms with the beeswax and honey they produce. The lip balms have a great flavor and texture, and the soaps are delightful and pretty to boot! Check out the Gifts and Such Category in the online store to try them out.
Happy Milk from Ozark Mountain Creamery
Save a trip to the grocery store; pick up your milk with your food from Fair Shares!

Set up a standing weekly or bi-weekly order (you may cancel at anytime) or place a one-time order to see how you like it. Check the store for availability of a last minute purchase. Read more

Spaghetti Squash Taco Pie

Chicken Spaghetti Squash Taco Pie
Member Beth Sorrell's Weekly Recipe
🎶 Oops I did it again 🎶

I overcooked my spaghetti squash and it didn’t ‘spaghetti’. I used it like other winter squash in an enchilada casserole with buttonwood farms chicken I cooked in my crockpot, del Carmen black beans, and prepared enchilada verde sauce.

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Notes on Trades and Orders

If you have questions or an issue to resolve, please email info@fairsahares.org. We get over 400 order confirmation emails in the orders@fairshares.org account and WE DO NOT CHECK THEM, so if you want a reply, use info@fairshares.org, which goes to both Jamie and Sara, and one of us will see it!

The share clipboards below will include the fresh produce on your list, but the cart in your Farmigo account lists only the tradable items in your share. You must spend the total credit value in your cart but you are welcome to buy extra.

Here's a video demo on how to make trades. Note that Farmigo has updated their system to allow you to click the items in your cart that have variations for you to select. Here's the link to LOGIN.

Please check the descriptions of items! Some things are sold by the pound so the actual price will be different from what's listed in the store. If what's in your bag is not what you were expecting, give it back. If you're at the Mothership, you may be able to choose something else.

Pro Tip: You can browse the store when it's "closed" by logging out of your account.

Note that most of the available greens have gone to the store.


All members must complete trades and orders by 10:30a.m. Wednesday.

FS14 Wk2 Shares, 3/31&4/1/2021

FS14 Wk2 Shares, 3/31&4/1/2021

Bison Choice - Ground or Patties ($13)
Coffee ($11.50)
Yogurt - Greek Plain ($4)
Pasta - Short Bi-Color ($6.50)
Tomatoes - Jar ($7)
Squash - Spaghetti - Medium
Wildcard Greens


Chicken - Breast ($12.50)
Eggs ($4.75)
Field to Fire Choice ($10)
Salsa - Medium ($5)
Granola - Choice ($5.50)
Yogurt - Vanilla Regular ($4)
Squash - Spaghetti - Medium


Pork - Apple Maple Brat ($9)
Mustard - Choice ($4)
Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
Applesauce - Organic ($7.50)
Wheat Berries or Oats Choice ($3.25)
Root Veggie Wildcard
Need pickup site & time info? Click here

All orders due by 10:30a.m. Wednesday!

If you need to come on the other day, you must let us know BY EMAIL before Wednesday so we can switch you for the week. Otherwise we won't have your share ready for you.

1. FSC

Beef - Stew Meat ($9)
Del Carmen Choice ($6)
Sauce - Curry Choice ($8.75)
Sourdough - Mr. Meowski ($6)
Eggs ($4.75)
Grains Choice ($4.50)
Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
Lettuce - Mix

4. FSB/FSE/ucb/kwb

Pork - Meatballs ($8.50)
Eggs ($4.75)
Cheese - Kickapoo ($6.50)
Pasta - Long Bi-Color ($6.50)
Tomato Sauce ($6)
Sliced Sprouted Wheat ($4)
Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
