Welcome to Fair Shares Season 14 Wk7

We'll see all Full Share, Mini Share, and ODD-week Half-Share members this week. Half share members, note that you will receive the newsletter weekly, and you may request access to order through the store on your off weeks. Check your subscriptions in your Farmigo account if you are unsure whether you are an ODD- or EVEN-week half share.

Your assigned pickup day is [Delivery Day], but if you need to switch the day, reply to this email before 10a.m. Wednesday. Selecting the different day in the store is not the way to do it!

LOGIN HERE to select your time and ADD it in your cart. Make sure that the time you want is in your order confirmation email. You may update your cart as many times as you like.
Your share will be packed for you whether you select a time or not, it just helps us have it ready when you arrive.

This email is how we communicate with members. Please at least scan it so you know any important information. For instance: NEW THIS SEASON - All members must complete trades and orders by 10:30a.m. Wednesday.

Asian Stir Fry

Asian Stir Fry
Member Beth Sorrell's Week 7 Recipe can adapted to include whatever fresh vegetables and greens you have in your fridge. Be creative!

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New Product!
We had a visit from Mark Engel, the owner of Fifth Taste Food, maker of oo'mämē Chili Crisps,
who was interested in sampling a new meat substitute he's producing. We were able to give him the feedback that we think our members will LOVE these new products, which is what he needed to hear to make the leap to scale up production, and we are looking forward to offering it whenever it's ready.

We also had the good fortune of trying out all four of the oo'mämē Chili Crisps, and are please to offer them in the store. We're able to offer a better price than many retailers, so get your goods here! Check out the varieties in the Canned/Dried/Frozen Produce & Condiments Category of the online store.

Eat Salad, Often

Eat Salad, Often
It's officially salad season. That means it's time to start using a bed of lettuce as the base for every meal. This blog will help you figure out how to get through all the greens we're starting to see in the shares, and not just get through them, but enjoy them to the fullest.

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Asian Lettuce Wraps

Asian Lettuce Wraps
Whenever there is bibb or butterhead lettuce available, I fantasize about lettuce wraps--especially since we started carrying the oo'mämē Chili Crisps. You can wrap anything in a lettuce leaf, really, just make it a fun, communal meal in which everyone gets to participate in the assembly of their own wraps. Read more

How to Prep Bamboo Shoots

How to Prep Fresh Bamboo Shoots
Don't Be Bamboozled! Bamboo shoots are a fun fresh spring vegetable with a very short season, so don't miss the chance to add a new and exciting ingredient to your culinary repertoire! Ozark Forest Bamboo Shoots: Peel the outer layers off to reveal the pretty green shoots. Slice into rings and bring to a boil in water with sea salt. …

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Extra Virgin an Olive Ovation Logo 132x132
My friend told me I should post a Daily Salad Recipe because my salads are always so delicious. My mother-in-law always wants me to make the salad when we're visiting, and I have to admit, I often prefer my own salad to any I eat in a restaurant. What's the secret? Variety. If you have a good variety of greens, such as a couple lettuce types, spinach, arugula, maybe kale, cabbage or bok choy, you don't need a whole lot of toppings. If you have only a simple lettuce salad, doll it up with some different veggies, nuts, fresh or dried fruit, cheese, hot peppers, and of course, a delicious salad dressing. It can be simple, like my go to of date syrup and balsamic vinegar or you could try one of the delicious new dressings from An Olive Ovation. You'd better go ahead and start upping your salad game now because lettuce and greens season is upon us!

Order for Your Next Pickup

Order Ahead Starter Plants
We're still taking pre - orders for starter herb and vegetable plants from Biver Farms for another week or two. Select the certified organic plants you'd like from the online store, under the Bedding Plants - Herbs, Flowers, Vegetables category.

Some plants will be three packs, some will be single, and will cost $2.75 each. Read more

Roasted Asparagus

Roasted Asparagus
Member Beth Sorrell's Week 6 Recipe includes a wine pairing, yay!

Asparagus is here! Asparagus is here! There are several ways to cook asparagus. You can even eat it raw, but my fave is roasting. Here’s a fast and easy technique I use to make the perfect side dish. Read more

Happy Mother's Day

Don't forget to order your mom some Baklava from the Bakery Category. Or perhaps she's more of a chocolate lover and would appreciate Bittersweet Artisan Lava Cakes. Okay, both.

Bison Note

Jim Sample of Meramec Bison has informed us that his wife Joan had a bad accident and he'll be caring for her, so they are giving up the biz. The only bison he currently has is from in S. Dakota. We offered to take it, so don't be alarmed if you see that. It's happy meat and we're helping our local bison farmer. We wish Joan a speedy recovery.

Stay tuned for news on our new bison farmer, who is a Fair Shares member turned rancher!

It's Schlafly Beer Thirty

You can purchase beer from Schlafly's website (linked below) and pick it up at the Mothership or UCity when you come for your share.

Purchase from Schlafly's online system, and then let us know by adding the Schlafly Beer item in your cart. There has been some glitch in ordering, so please contact The Tap Room at 314-241-BEER if you're having any trouble--you can still order from them up until noon.


Notes on Trades and Orders

If you have questions or an issue to resolve, please email info@fairshares.org. We get over 400 order confirmation emails in the orders@fairshares.org account and WE DO NOT CHECK THEM, so if you want a reply, use info@fairshares.org, which goes to both Jamie and Sara, and one of us will see it!

The share clipboards below will include the fresh produce on your list, but the cart in your Farmigo account lists only the tradable items in your share. You must spend the total credit value in your cart but you are welcome to buy extra.

Here's a video demo on how to make trades. Note that Farmigo has updated their system to allow you to click certain items in your cart that have variations for you to select. Here's the link to LOGIN.

Please check the descriptions of items! Some things are sold by the pound so the actual price will be different from what's listed in the store. If what's in your bag is not what you were expecting, give it back. If you're at the Mothership, you may be able to choose something else.

Pro Tip: You can browse the store when it's "closed" by logging out of your account.
All members must complete trades and orders by 10:30a.m. Wednesday.

FS14 Wk7 Shares, 5/5&6/2021

1. FSC

Beef - Ground 80/20 ($6.75)
Del Carmen Choice ($6)
Sauce - Curry Choice ($8.75)
Sourdough - Mr. Meowski ($6)
Eggs ($4.75)
Yogurt - Greek Plain ($4)
Lettuce - Head - M
*Arugula or Lettuce Mix *(choice at pickup, we can't take requests!)

4. FSB/FSE/ucb/kwb

Pork - Kielbasa ($7.50)
Eggs ($4.75)
Pasta - Long Bi-Color ($6.50)
Tomato Sauce ($6)
Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
Lettuce - Mix
Lettuce - Head - M
Lettuce - Red Butter
Radishes - Bunch

cinnamon rolls
Need pickup site & time info? Click here

All orders are by 10:30a.m. Wednesday!

If you need to come on the other day, you must let us know BY EMAIL before Wednesday so we can switch you for the week. Just selecting a time for the other day will not alert us of your request. Otherwise we won't have your share ready for you.


Bison Choice - Ground or Patties ($13)
Coffee ($11.50)
Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
Pasta - Short Bi-Color ($6.50)
Lettuce - Head - M
Lettuce - Red Butter
Nasturtium Blossoms


Chicken - Breast ($16.50)
Eggs ($4.75)
Yogurt - Vanilla Regular ($4)
Salsa - Medium ($5)
Bok Choy
Lettuce - Romaine - Large
Lettuce - Red Butter
Veggie Choice

Pork - Bacon Burgers ($12)
Eggs ($4.75)
Applesauce - Organic ($7.50)
Lettuce - Mix
Hey Mom, in case your sweet little one won't be ordering you cinnamon rolls for Mother's Day, you might want to consider taking the matter into your own hands... Happy Mother's Day to all!