This email is how we communicate with members. Please at least scan it so you know any important information. If you have questions, just reply to this email.

Welcome to Fair Shares Season 15 Wk26

We'll see all Full Share, Mini Share, and EVEN-week Half Share members this week.

All orders are due by 10:30 am Wednesday! If you don't make trades, your standard share list will be packed.

LOGIN HERE to select your time and ADD it in your cart. Make sure that you receive your order confirmation email, or your order didn't go through.
Note that you may update your cart as many times as you like. Your share will be packed for you whether you select a time or not, it just helps us have it ready when you arrive.

September Sanity Break Next Week

Please mark your calendars: Full Shares, Mini Shares and ODD-week Half Shares will NOT have pickups NEXT WEEK, Week 27, September 21 and 22. This is your one-week advanced notice.

Full and Mini Shares, this is your last pickup for two weeks, so stock up on all your needs! Even week half shares, the break doesn't affect your pickups.

- The milk bottle deposit has gone up a quarter to $2.50.

Share Holds Must Be Made By Monday Morning!

Please note that we need to know by Monday morning if you won't be picking up your share so we don't purchase the produce. We know there are emergency situations that come up, and we often end up with a lot of extra produce we have to donate, so knowing in advance whenever possible saves us, time, space, work and money. Thanks!

Share your share!

You can always let someone else pick up your share each week if you are out of town. That individual gets to try our tasty food and our farmers get the reliability of consistent member counts while you are away. It's a win win! Make sure to let us know at

Swiss Chard Curry

Swiss Chard Curry
By Beth Sorrell

Sometimes the simplest meals are the best. Clean Plate Pantry’s Thai Red Curry Sauce is a staple in my house. I had a lovely bunch of rainbow Swiss Chard and parsley so I chopped them up together and grabbed my curry sauce... Read more

Sausage Rice Skillet

Sausage Rice Skillet
Here’s another dish that’s really versatile. I had a big zephyr squash so I chopped that up to add. You can add zucchini, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, or spinach/kale/Swiss chard...

Read more

Hot Pepper Hoopla

Hot Pepper Hoopla
Besides being a source of vitamins A, C, and K, hot peppers supposedly help burn fat deposits in the body. That alone gets me interested, but did you know that hot peppers are also believed to arrest the growth and division of cancer cells, act as an anti-inflammatory to help in the treatment of migraines, arthritis, and muscular pains, help fight colds, sinusitis, and bronchitis, improve blood circulation, have an anti-coagulant effect, be beneficial for stomach ailments, suppress appetite, combat depression, and in a dried state, kill bacteria and hasten the healing process? Sounds like the next wonder drug, right? Here are some suggestions on how to handle, eat and preserve those hot peppers... Read more
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

Did you know that peppers freeze well? I freeze extra peppers all summer to use in stews, chili, and jambalaya... Read more


I took home a bunch of eggplant, peppers, zucchini and tomatoes that needed to be processed, and decided to make a ratatouille. I didn't really follow a recipe (surprise, surprise), but this recipe from Cookie and Kate is pretty close to what I made in terms of ingredients and process. I cooked everything for quite a bit longer than she … Read more

Freeze Your Peppers

Freeze Your Peppers

Join our Fair Shares Facebook Group

We have members posting delicious-looking recipes they've made with their haul, so hop on over for some mouth-watering inspiration, and share your own ideas and recipe successes.

Notes on Trades and Orders

If you have questions or an issue to resolve, please email rather than replying to the email or we may not see it.

The share clipboards below include the fresh produce on your list, but the cart in your Farmigo account lists only the tradable items in your share. You must spend the total credit value in your cart but you are welcome to buy extra.

Here's a video demo on how to make trades. Here's the link to LOGIN.
Please check the descriptions of items! Some things are sold by the pound so the actual price will be different from what's listed in the store. If what's in your bag is not what you were expecting, give it back. If you're at the Mothership, you may be able to choose something else.

Pro Tip: You can browse the store when it's "closed" by logging out of your account.

If you have questions or an issue to resolve, please email

The share clipboards below include the fresh produce on your list, but the cart in your Farmigo account lists only the tradable items in your share. You must spend the total credit value in your cart but you are welcome to buy extra.

Here's a video demo on how to make trades. Here's the link to LOGIN.

Note regarding "Choice" items in your shares:
The tradable "choice" items will be in your cart, and you can click the item to see what choices it mentions in the description, then make your selection via the online store by placing your choice in your cart and deleting the "choice" from your cart. For the produce wildcards and choices, we can't always guarantee whether you'll get to make the choice or we do--that's the CSA aspect of our program.

FS15 Wk26 Shares, 9/14&15/2022

FS15 Wk26 Shares, 9/14&15/2022


1. FSC
  • Beef - Ground 80/20 ($6.75)
  • Del Carmen Choice ($6)
  • Eggs ($4.75)
  • Zucchini
  • Okra
  • Peppers - Poblanos
  • Produce Choice
  • Eggplant Wildcard
  • Cucumbers - Slicing
  • Tomatoes Wildcard
  • Watermelon - Seedless


4. FSB/FSE/ucb/kwb
  • Chicken - Ground ($8.25)
  • Yogurt - Greek Plain ($4.50)
  • Eggs ($4.75)
  • Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
  • Squash - Summer
  • Green Beans
  • Produce Wildcard
  • Cucumbers - Pickling
  • Tomatoes - Cherry
  • Paw paws
  • Apples - Fuji - 16/bu
Need pickup site & time info? Click here

Everyone must order by 10:30a.m. Wednesday!

If you need to come on the other day, you must let us know BY EMAIL before Wednesday so we can switch you for the week.

Have a great break next week, everyone!


  • Beef - Kabob Meat ($10.75)
  • Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
  • Pasta - Bi-Color ($6.50)
  • Zucchini
  • Arugula
  • Peppers - Poblanos
  • Peppers - Carmen
  • Cucumbers - Pickling
  • Eggplant - Globe
  • Tomatoes - Cherry
  • Fruit Choice


  • Pork - Breakfast ($8)
  • Eggs ($4.75)
  • Coffee ($12.25)
  • Zucchini
  • Okra
  • Eggplant Wildcard
  • Cucumbers - Slicing
  • Small Tomatoes Wildcard
  • Tomatoes - Slicing
  • Fruit Choice


  • Pork - Bratwurst ($8)
  • Condiment Choice ($6)
  • Eggs ($4.75)
  • Zucchini
  • Hot Peppers Wildcard
  • Tomatoes - Slicing
  • Apples - Fuji - 16/bu
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