This email is how we communicate with members. Please at least scan it so you know any important information. If you have questions, just reply to this email.

Welcome to Fair Shares Season 15 Wk12

We'll see all Full Share, Mini Share, and EVEN-week Half Share members this week.

Please let us know before 10a.m. Wednesday. All orders are due by 10:30 am Wednesday! If you don't make trades, your standard share list will be packed.

LOGIN HERE to select your time and ADD it in your cart. (Mercy South members don't need to select a time.) Make sure that you receive your order confirmation email, or your order didn't go through.
Note that you may update your cart as many times as you like. Your share will be packed for you whether you select a time or not, it just helps us have it ready when you arrive.

Special Notices

• Strawberries are over already, and we overbought last week, thinking everyone would want to stock up their freezers! Sadly all the rain made them mold early (as some of you may have noticed). We don't have the staff or wherewithal to sort them and get them in the store at sale price, so for those of you who will be happy to process them for baking or smoothies, please ask and we will give you three quarts for the price of one.

• Sara and Stephen have arrived in New Hampshire and are getting settled in for the summer there. Remember you can follow the adventures at

Sausage, Asparagus & Gnocchi

Sausage, Asparagus & Gnocchi
I like treating gnocchi like the sassy little dumplings that they are. I rarely boil them in water, and more often bake them or just toss them in with the other ingredients in the dish, allowing them to cook through, from frozen to a little fluffy, and hopefully even crispy and browned a bit.

Read more

What's Cooking?

With produce season is in full swing, it's time to start sharing your fabulous meals with everyone on our Fair Shares Facebook Group.

Even if you avoid Facebook, it might be worth having a fake or secret account to participate with our Fair Shares group for tips and inspiration!

We have some members who regularly post spectacular looking dishes they've made with their haul, so see what to do with those less than mainstay items you sometimes get in your bag.

Kale, Kohlrabi, and Japanese Turnip Slaw

Kale, Kohlrabi, and Japanese Turnip Slaw
Beth Sorrell's Wk 11 recipe--perfect for those of you getting kohlrabi and kale.

I brought this to a BBQ and guess what? It wasn’t a duplicate side dish! Read more

Cherry Pie

Read more
Cherry Pie

Eat Salad, Often

Eat Salad, Often
It's officially salad season. That means it's time to start using a bed of lettuce as the base for every meal.

Read more

Kohlrabi Slaw

Kohlrabi Slaw
Kohlrabi is low in calories, high in nutrients and a great raw snack. If you need an instant immune system boost, then try snacking on a cup of raw Kohlrabi… Read more

Notes on Trades and Orders

If you have questions or an issue to resolve, please email We get too many emails in the account to check them before pickups, so if you want a reply, use, which goes to both Jamie and Sara, and one of us will see it!

The share clipboards below will include the fresh produce on your list, but the cart in your Farmigo account lists only the tradable items in your share. You must spend the total credit value in your cart but you are welcome to buy extra.

Here's a video demo on how to make trades. Note that Farmigo has updated their system to allow you to click the items in your cart that have variations for you to select. Here's the link to LOGIN.

Please check the descriptions of items! Some things are sold by the pound so the actual price will be different from what's listed in the store. If what's in your bag is not what you were expecting, give it back. If you're at the Mothership, you may be able to choose something else.

Pro Tip: You can browse the store when it's "closed" by logging out of your account.

Note regarding "Choice" items in your shares:
You can click the item to see what choices it mentions in the description, then make your selection via the online store by placing your choice in your cart and deleting the "choice" from your cart.

FS15 Wk12 Shares, 6/8&9/2022

FS15 Wk12 Shares, 6/8&9/2022

2. FSC
  • Beef - Kabob Meat ($10.75)
  • Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
  • Pasta - Long Bi-Color ($6.50)
  • Baby Bok Choy
  • Lettuce - Head
  • Garlic Scapes
  • Radish - Daikon - Mini
  • Produce Choice
  • Onions - Bulb

5. FSB/FSE/ucb/kwb
  • Pork - Bratwurst ($7.5)
  • Pasta - Short Bi-Color ($6.50)
  • Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
  • Eggs ($4.75)
  • Kale
  • Lettuce - Head
  • Garlic Scapes
  • Kohlrabi
  • Cherries - Tart
  • Green Onions

  • Beef - Ground 80/20 ($6.75)
  • Del Carmen Choice ($6)
  • Eggs ($4.75)
  • Greens Wildcard
  • Lettuce - Head
  • Garlic Scapes
  • Cherries
Need pickup site & time info? Click here

Everyone must order by 10:30a.m. Wednesday!

If you need to come on the other day, you must let us know BY EMAIL before Wednesday so we can switch you for the week. 



  • Pork - Breakfast ($7.50)
  • Eggs ($4.75)
  • Field to Fire Choice ($11)
  • Asparagus
  • Lettuce
  • Peas - Sugar Snap
  • Lettuce - Salanova
  • Beets - w/Tops
  • Garlic Scapes

  • Chicken - Ground ($8.25)
  • Yogurt - Greek Plain ($4)
  • Multigrain Bread ($4.50)
  • Asparagus
  • Collards
  • Lettuce - Head
  • Lettuce - Salanova
  • Peas - English Shelling
  • Shoots
  • Cherries - Sweet Red
  • Produce Wildcard
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