COVID Update: Everyone who works and volunteers for Fair Shares has been vaccinated for quite some time now. We are fine with you coming to pickup without a mask if you also have been vaccinated, but we'd appreciate you continuing to mask if you have not been vaccinated, or if you feel more comfortable doing so. Also, we would love not to wear a hot, sweaty mask at pickups during the summer, but only if everyone is completely comfortable with receiving their food from us while we are unmasked. Please let us know if you would prefer that we continue to mask and we will be happy to do so.

Welcome to Fair Shares Season 14 Wk13

Half-Share Members: it's an ODD-week pickup--check your subscriptions in your Farmigo account if you are unsure whether you are an ODD- or EVEN-week half share. Please note that you will receive this newsletter weekly (you may request access to order through the store on your off weeks).

Your assigned pickup day is [Delivery Day], but if you need to switch the day, reply to this email before 10a.m. Wednesday. Selecting the different day in the store is not the way to do it!

LOGIN HERE to select your time and ADD it in your cart. Make sure that the time you want is in your order confirmation email. You may update your cart as many times as you like.
Your share will be packed for you whether you make trades and select a time or not, it just helps us have it ready when you arrive.

Please note that although you may put your share on hold, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to us and our farmers, who have upped production this season, if you found someone who might like to buy your share for the weeks you're gone, to try it out. Maybe you want to pay your petsitter or house sitter with some food, or maybe you have to give a present to someone, and we can make it easy on you!

This email is how we communicate with members. Please at least scan it for important information.
Sadly, strawberry season ended quite abruptly--we weren't even allowed a proper goodbye, To add insult to injury, sweet cherries were just a flash in the pan, and tart cherries are likely to be done this week as well. Keep your fingers crossed for peaches, blueberries and blackberries soon.
Find us on Facebook, Twitter @fairsharesccsa, or Instagram. Participate in our group and share your pretty Fair Shares food photos on your own timeline to help us get more members! Thanks!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Make every day Earth Day. We reuse and recycle and need your help! Not only are we helping the earth by recycling, we're helping our farmers and producers save money on packaging materials.

Please note, we are not offering to do your recycling, and ask that you bring back only these returnables from Fair Shares, ONLY if you got them at Fair Shares, but please, NO RETURNS WHEN WE'RE OUTSIDE IN THE RAIN:

• Paper grocery bags

• Egg cartons (Buttonwood, Dry Dock or Linnenbringer only, please stack like with like)

• RINSED half pint, pint and quart jars* from Fair Shares

• Cardboard cartons and plastic clam shells that held berries or cherry tomatoes from Fair Shares (please note the "from Fair Shares" trend)

We reduce our use of plastic bags in order to keep costs down and contribute to the glut of plastic in the environment. There will be plenty of produce that needs to weigh into plastic bags, and we are trying to get all our farmers to use our compostable green bags. There will also be lots of fresh produce items that are bunched or loose, so we encourage you to store them in your produce bags from previous weeks to help keep everything fresh.

Did you know that Operation Brightside is directly across Kingshighway from the intersection at Northrup where the FS Mothership is located?

* Here are the jars we DO NOT take back:

Ozark Forest soy and hot sauce bottles
Olive Oil
Balsamic vinegar
Nut Butters
Plastic Bottles or Jars

Thanks for helping us be more green.
We'll be saying goodby to asparagus this week, so get it while you can. Until next year, my friend.

Zucchini Grilled Cheese

Zucchini Grilled Cheese
This recipe uses baked zucchini "fritters" as the bread for grilled cheese sandwiches. WHAAAT? A healthy grilled cheese? Sign me up! A food processor makes short order of the prep and it bakes up pretty quick for an easy and delicious lunch or light dinner. Adapted from a recipe sent in by forever-member Judy Boland. Preparation Makes … Read more

Wheat Berries & Oat Groats

Severson Groat
Goody goody grain grain! Is that a classy looking label or what? Don't judge a book by its cover.

If you've never used wheat berries or oat groats, you may feel a bit uninspired when you have them in your share. If you have experience, and have found that you like these little nuggets, share your favorite uses or recipes with us on one of our Social Media platforms... Read more

Hot and Sour soup

Hot and Sour soup
What do you do when you've accidentally put nearly a cup of vinegar in your enormous crockpot of chicken broth? When life gives you vinegar-chicken broth, you make hot and sour soup.

Also, if a farmer offers you 50 pounds of snow peas after you've filled your shares, you find recipes that include snow peas!

Read more

Garlic Scape & Fennel Spread

Garlic Scape & Fennel Spread
From Farmer John's Cookbook - The Real Dirt on Vegetables. Great on roasted meats or grilled veggies, or to flavor sandwiches, bean dips, soups, etc… Read more

Kohlrabi Slaw

Kohlrabi Slaw
Kohlrabi is low in calories, high in nutrients and a great raw snack. If you need an instant immune system boost, then try snacking on a cup of raw Kohlrabi. Of all the vitamins in kohlrabi, vitamin C is the most abundant. A cup of raw kohlrabi has almost 84 mg of vitamin C, which is… Read more

Notes on Trades and Orders

If you have questions or an issue to resolve, please email We get over 400 order confirmation emails in the account and WE DO NOT CHECK THEM, so if you want a reply, use, which goes to both Jamie and Sara, and one of us will see it!

The share clipboards below will include the fresh produce on your list, but the cart in your Farmigo account lists only the tradable items in your share. You must spend the total credit value in your cart but you are welcome to buy extra.

Here's a video demo on how to make trades. Note that Farmigo has updated their system to allow you to click certain items in your cart that have variations for you to select. Here's the link to LOGIN.

Please check the descriptions of items! Some things are sold by the pound so the actual price will be different from what's listed in the store. If what's in your bag is not what you were expecting, give it back. If you're at the Mothership, you may be able to choose something else.

Pro Tip: You can browse the store when it's "closed" by logging out of your account.
All members must complete trades and orders by 10:30a.m. Wednesday.

FS14 Wk13 Shares, 6/9&10/2021

FS14 Wk13 Shares, 6/9&10/2021

Chicken - Drumsticks ($6.25)
Eggs ($4.75)
Yogurt - Vanilla Regular ($4)
Ludwig Cheese Choice ($6.50)
Lettuce - Head
Lettuce - Mix
Garlic Scapes
Kale - Green Curly


Pork - Kielbasa ($7.50)
Eggs ($4.75)
Pasta - Long Bi-Color ($6.50)
Sliced Sprouted Wheat ($4)
Mustard - Choice ($4)
Wildcard Vegetable
Turnip Greens
Squash - Wildcard
Lettuce - Head
Cherries - Tart

Need pickup site & time info? Click here

All orders are by 10:30a.m. Wednesday!

If you need to come on the other day, you must let us know BY EMAIL before Wednesday so we can switch you for the week. Just selecting a time for the other day will not alert us of your request. Otherwise we won't have your share ready for you.
2. FSC

Bison Choice - Ground or Patties ($13)
Pasta - Short Bi-Color ($6.50)
Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
Applesauce - Organic ($7.50)
Lettuce - Mix
Swiss Chard
Squash - Patty Pans
Spring Onions
Wildcard Produce

5. FSB/FSE/ucb/kwb

Pork - Bacon Burgers ($12)
Eggs ($4.75)
Applesauce - Organic ($7.50)
Yogurt - Greek Plain ($4)
Mushrooms - Ozark Forest ($7)
Wildcard Produce

Beef - Ground 80/20 ($6.75)
Del Carmen Choice ($6)
Eggs ($4.75)
Spring Onions
Lettuce - Head
Squash - Wildcard