Welcome to Fair Shares Wk 26!

We'll see all Full Share, Mini Share, and EVEN-week Half Share members this week.
NO PICKUPS NEXT WEEK, unless you requested your milk.

Your assigned pickup day is [Delivery Day], [Next Delivery Date], and your group is [Pickup Site]. If you need to switch the day or location, reply to this email before 10a.m. Wednesday so we can switch you in the system. If you just select a different pickup day from the store, it doesn't move you in the system and you won't show up on the correct report.

Login and select your time and ADD it in your cart. Make sure that the time you want is in your order confirmation email. If it's not, please go in and select another time.

You may update your cart as many times as you like.

If you aren't going to come early, please select the later time slots
If you didn't select a time, please just come after 4:30.

Please show up on [Delivery Day], [Next Delivery Date]* to avoid a restocking fee.

*Half share members, please note that if you shop on your off-weeks, it will show a pickup each week.

We Deserve a Vacation - Notice #4

September Sanity Break - No Share Pickups NEXT WEEK,

Sept. 23 & 24

We will place all shares on hold for our break. If you wish to donate your share value, you may go take your share off hold after the 20th, otherwise note that this is why you have a hold on your share.

We'll see you all September 30th and October 1st...unless you're getting milk!

For Week 27, we will place everyone's shares on hold and resume the following week for Week 28.
EVEN-week Half shares: this won't affect you unless you normally shop on your off weeks.

Milk & Eggs Next Week

Milk Buyers: If you want to come to the Mothership on Wednesday 9/23 for a limited 2:00 to 4:00pm window to pick up your milk (and get any extras you need), let us know by Sunday, 9/20 at noon. You can email jamie@fairshares.org or just tell us at pickup. We won't order for you if you don't tell us ahead!

We will have eggs available next week so if you're coming for milk, no need to stock up now (because we may run short this week if you do).

Share Holds

If you need to put your share on hold, PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ORDER PRODUCE FOR THE SHARES ON MONDAYS, so you must make your share hold request by Monday at 8a.m. or you will be charged for your produce. Login to your account and click the Delivery Hold tab.

Anything Missing?

PLEASE check your bag before you leave!

It's Schlafly Beer Thirty

Order directly from Schlafly and pick up your beer at the Mothership or UCity this week! Y

Orders must be placed by 10 a.m. Wednesday through Schlafly (the Tap Room location only) at link below. PLEASE READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER! Read more

Benefit Bread!

We're excited to participate in Companion's program to benefit No Kids Hungry with their Sliced Sprouted Wheat Bread. Proceeds help feed kids who are learning virtually this year, and normally depend on school lunches.

We and they donate a quarter from each loaf sold, and we intend to sell it through part of next year, so let's all do our part to feed the kids together!

We got to sample this bread and can attest to it's soft, kid-friendly texture and light, delicious flavor. Perfect for school lunch, even if they're eating at home.
Benefit Bread!

Fried Okra

Fried Okra
This is a great way to prepare okra if you are not a fan of it generally. This makes a crispy, crunchy treat even the kids will eat. These are delicious just for snacking, for tossing on a salad, or adding to fried rice.

Read more

Sauteed Eggplant, Okra and Peppers

Sauteed Eggplant, Okra and Peppers
Someone told us that okra is only slimy once it's cut, so the secret should be to cook it whole. Eating it whole may present more of a challenge, but if you really have a problem with the texture of okra, you now know the solution. Read more

Pork Steamed Buns

Pork Steamed Buns
OMG, look what I made! I am not a baker, but these crazy covid times have me doing things that are way out of my normal, some of which I am actually ENJOYING!

Read more

Once Upon a Time...a Fairy Tale (Eggplant)

Once Upon a Time, a Fairy (Eggplant) Tale...
Miniature versions of things just make people smile and sigh. Baby dogs, baby cats, baby elephants--they're just cute and cuddly, right? Introducing the Fairy Tale Eggplant, a small, adorable version of its big sibling, the globe eggplant. To make it even more endearing, it has stripes! "Awww!"

Read more

Notes on Trades and Orders

The share clipboards below will include the fresh produce on your list, but the cart in your Farmigo account lists only the tradable items in your share. You must spend the total credit value in your cart but you are welcome to buy extra.

Here's a video demo on how to make trades. Note that Farmigo has updated their system to allow you to click the items in your cart that have variations for you to select.

Please check the descriptions of items! Some things are sold by the pound so the actual price will be different from what's listed in the store. If what's in your bag is not what you were expecting, give it back. If you're at the Mothership, you may be able to choose something else.

Pro Tip: You can browse the store when it's "closed" by logging out of your account.

FS13 Wk26 Shares, Sep 16&17, 2020

FS13 Wk26 Shares, Sep 16&17, 2020

Anton's Ground Beef ($6.75)
Eggs ($4.75)
Del Carmen Black Beans Choice ($6)
Midwest Short Pasta ($6.50)
Lettuce - Romaine
Sweet Pepper Mix
Peppers - Poblanos -
Tomatoes - Cherry Mix

Next pickup Sept.30/Oct.1

2. UCA/KWA 43/33

Buttonwood Ground Chicken ($8.25)
Wheat Berries ($3.25)
Ozark Forest Mushrooms ($7)
Coffee or Field to Fire Choice ($11.50)
Companion Fundraiser Bread!
--Sliced Sprouted Wheat ($4)
Fresh Herb - Basil
Lettuce - Mix
Peppers - Shishito
Paw Paws

Next pickup Sept.30/Oct.1

4. MINI / Mini Trial
Robinson's Bacon Pork Patties ($12)
Eggs ($4.75)
Companion Pretzel Buns ($5)
Mustard - Toasted Onion ($4)
Cucumber - Slicing - 1
Peppers - Colored Bell - 2
Schwartz Apples

Next pickup Sept.30/Oct.1
Need pickup site & time info? Click here

UCity, place your orders and sign up for your time slot by 10:30a.m. Wednesday!

FS and KW have until 11 am Wednesday.

Signup for a time slot through your shopping cart.

If you need to come on another day, you must let us know by email before Wednesday so we can switch you for the week. Otherwise we won't have your share ready for you.

5. FSC / Full Trial

Pork Meatballs ($8.50)
Yogurt - Regular Vanilla ($4)
Marcoot Mozzarella ($6.75)
Ozark Forest Mushrooms ($7)
Companion Fundraiser Bread!
--Sliced Sprouted Wheat ($4)
Yellow Squash -1
Peppers - Aruba -1
Peppers - Sweet Banana - 2
Schwartz Apples
Tomatoes - Cherry Mix
Acorn Squash

Next pickup Sept.30/Oct.1

3. FSB/FSE/ucb/kwb

Lamb Gyro ($13.50)
Eggs ($4.75)
Yogurt - Plain Greek ($4)
Prairie Fruits Feta ($6.75)
Cucumber - Slicing - 1
Zucchini or Squash
Veggie Wildcard
Tomatoes - Slicing

Next pickup Sept.30/Oct.1